Narconon Blog


Karen Hadley in Opioid Crisis
October 31, 2018

How Many Americans are REALLY Addicted to Opioids?

It’s no secret that America suffers from its highest-ever level of dependence on prescription and illicit opioids. But are we thinking with the right number for how many people are affected by this problem? One expert thinks we should double our estimates. We’ll tell you why.


Karen Hadley in Drug Information
September 27, 2018

Drug Enforcement Administration Updates List of Slang Terms for Drugs

For parents and professionals, knowing the slang terms for popular drugs might mean the difference between detecting drug use and addiction and missing it. The DEA has just published an updated list of drug slang that can help with this vital task.


Karen Hadley in Drug overdoses
August 18, 2018

2017’s Overdose Numbers Reveal Catastrophic Levels of Loss

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have provided preliminary numbers for deaths from drug overdose in 2017. Rather than showing improvement, they reveal that we have not yet capped our losses from overdose deaths.


Karen Hadley in Drug trafficking
June 1, 2018

The Vast Dollar Value of the Illicit Drug Trade

When millions of dollars can be made from a single shipment of illicit drugs, it’s going to be hard to convince some people to give up this business. Three recent news items illustrate just how lucrative the drug trade can be for those willing to risk everything.


Karen Hadley in Drug use trends
May 20, 2018

New Workplace Drug Tests Reveal Steep Increases in Stimulant Use

Every year, millions of workplace drug tests performed by Quest Diagnostics provide insight into drug use trends across America. This year, their report on test results reveals that far more people are using cocaine and methamphetamine than in years past. We explain why this may be happening.



Is Drug Trafficking the Same as Domestic Terrorism?

Recently, I wrote an article about two drug dealers arrested with enough fentanyl to kill everyone in New Jersey and New York City. This turned out to be an incredibly hot topic with readers because of the brief jail sentences they received. Should they actually have been charged with domestic terrorism?



One of the Newest Threats on the Street: Gray Death

Illicit drug dealers have long given their drugs catchy nicknames in the hopes of luring customers back to buy more of a particular product. But when they nicknamed a combination of opioids “gray death,“ that was a grim predictor of the overdose deaths to result from this product.


Karen Hadley in Drug overdoses
April 23, 2018

The Opioid User’s Intensely Dangerous Life Revealed

It can take years for a family to realize that all the problems they are seeing in a loved one’s life add up to addiction. Even when they do know, they often don’t realize the incredible risks their loved one takes each day by injecting uncontrolled illicit drugs.


Karen Hadley in Drug-Related News
April 5, 2018

The Ever-Changing World of Deadly Drugs and Addiction

In the world of drug use and addiction, only one thing is certain: This world will never stop changing. New drugs will appear and old ones will fade away. Supply and demand will ebb and flow. The only way to stay safe and protect your family is to stay aware of the changes that might affect your loved ones.


Karen Hadley in Drug Rehab
March 9, 2018

7 Reasons We Must Avoid “Tunnel Vision” as We Fight Addiction

As we work to solve America’s problems with drug addiction and overdoses, there’s an intense focus on opioids alone. Letting ourselves develop this kind of tunnel vision could result in our overlooking some truly vital aspects of our nation’s problems with drugs and addiction.