Sachi in Success Story
July 9, 2021

Mother and Son Get Their Lives Back

My son was gone, but now he is back and everyone in the family is glad he is.


Sachi in Success Story
January 14, 2021

Going from the Rock Bottom of Drug Abuse to the top, with Narconon

Jazzmine was so high on drugs she went missing for three days. Her mother put up missing posters. Once her mother found Jazzmine, she took her straight to Narconon. Jazzmine's life was saved that day.


Sachi in Success Story
December 26, 2020

Narconon Was the One that Worked

Chris abused crack cocaine for 19 years. He got beat up and robbed and went to three different rehabs, but couldn't stop. That is, until he found Narconon. Narconon worked for him and he is still clean today.


Sachi in Success Story
December 8, 2020

I Can Be a Part of the World, Susan’s Narconon Success

Susan’s life was wrought with devastation from alcohol abuse over 20 years. Every rehab failed until she found Narconon. She went from near death to a successful life that she has maintained, well after graduating Narconon.


Sachi in Success Story
December 3, 2020

Recovered Addict has Message of Hope for Others

Chris had been hallucinating and had lost 55 pounds when he arrived at Narconon. He now has been drug free and productive for years and attributes his continuing success in life to the Narconon program.


Jason Good in Success Story
July 11, 2019

An Open Letter to Mothers of Addicts

In 2007, my mother and father once again signed me up for a treatment center, in the hope that I would once and for all stop doing everything in my power to kill myself. It was their final attempt to keep them from having to bury their son. “This is the last one,” my dad told my mother.


Elaine M. in Success Story
February 21, 2019

A Picture Worth A Thousand Words

I never imagined I could accomplish this. To anyone who says it’s too hard and can’t be done—you are wrong. I was an addict for 16 years and now I am proud to say that I have been clean for a year and I couldn’t be happier with my life.


Jason Good in Success Story
November 1, 2018

Narconon Gave Me My Life Back

Most people thought I would die before I ever got sober. Other rehabs I had been to told me I was a “throw away client” and told my parents to not expect much from me. And here I am. Years later with a life beyond my wildest dreams.