Doctor at Wilmington Medical Center in Delaware Supports Narconon

Wilmington Medical Center
Director Ambulatory Services
Dr. William H. Duncan, M.D.,
February 23, 1973
Mr. Danny D. Hill
Dear Mr. Hill,
Thank you very much for your kind invitation to attend the orientation concerning the NARCONON program to be held at the Delaware Correctional Center on Saturday, March 3, 1973 at 10 a.m. I regret that due to a prior commitment for that date I will be unable to attend, but I would further like you to know that I believe that NARCONON is one of the most outstanding and meaningful programs in drug abuse prevention and control in this state, and I hope that you will express to all individuals concerned the support which I am now and will continue to give.
William H. Duncan, M.D.
Director of Ambulatory Services
Wilmington Medical Center
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