A Heroin Addict who Now has a Bright Future

Narconon Arrowhead graduate Brooke

When a person is addicted to drugs or alcohol, he generally loses sight of who he is and what his values are. Nothing has much meaning to someone with a substance abuse addiction. Even family loses meaning and often an addict will just walk away from his family and friends. Brooke knows how life can go out of control with addiction.

She said, “I left home because of heroin when I was seventeen. My dad was not going to help me anymore and enable me to do the drug so I left. I didn’t call them or have any communication with them at all. I was on my own.”

She continued, “When addicted, I was not in a good state of mind. I didn’t know where I was. I didn’t know who I was. I was pretty much up for anything to get control over my life again because I didn’t have any control over it at all.”

Finding the Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation program was her salvation. The Narconon program addresses key aspects of addiction and provides an addict with the tools and knowledge that are so desperately needed for a lasting recovery. Lasting sobriety is most certainly possible and Narconon provides individuals with the ability to achieve lasting addiction recovery.

Addressing the physical dependency comes as a first step and this is accomplished with the Narconon New Life Detoxification. This is a vital step after the withdrawal process where harmful toxins and drug residues are flushed from the system. Since residual drugs can get stored in the body’s tissues for years after someone has stopped using drugs, getting these eliminated is important in helping a person stay sober. Residual drugs are known to contribute to the activation of drug cravings, so removing them from the addict’s body helps to reduce the chances of relapse.

Of course, the mental dependency also must be addressed and this is done with unique life skills training. This training consists of courses which help a recovering addict recover his responsibility for himself and his life. He often comes to a realization as to why he started drug use in the first place. He becomes better able to communicate and finds out how to restore relationships.

Facing and taking responsibility for the damage done in the past is all part of recovery. For example, on the Changing Conditions in Life Course, the student learns tools that help him repair parts of his life which were damaged by an addicted lifestyle.

Brooke explained that the Narconon program helped her realize that the person she was being while she was addicted was not the person she really was. The drugs had changed her that much. “I realized I was not the daughter who was betraying her parents or that girlfriend that betrayed her boyfriend. I was not any of those things.” She described her new sober life: “My life today is awesome. I’m married, I have two beautiful children and I thank God every single day for what this program has given me.”

Narconon helps addicts obtain lasting recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Lasting sobriety really is possible. A fulfilling life where the future looks bright and promising is right there waiting for those who finish the Narconon program.

Brooke graduated the program at Narconon Arrowhead.