Finding a Way Out of the Horrors of Addiction

Many negative emotions plague an addict. Addiction brings a life to new lows, lows that were never anticipated when the person decided to try drugs. As drug abuse progresses into full-blown addiction, an addict finds his life-changing, headed downward further and further towards death. Brian experienced the horrors of addiction but eventually found a way out.
Brian described his life of addiction. “When addicted, my life was filled with despair, depression, anger, rage. My family—the respect and adoration I used to have in their eyes was lost. The trust factor was totally gone. My life was a complete shambles. I was dying.”
Luckily Brian found Narconon Arrowhead. In the Narconon program an addict is treated with respect and care for him as an individual. All sides of addiction are addressed, with the intention of getting the addicted person able to live a new life without drugs. He or she learns how to live without the need to turn to drugs or alcohol again.
Any addict knows that the withdrawal process can be very difficult and uncomfortable. However, because of the daily nutritional support and with the help of the trained and caring staff, many find that withdrawal from drugs or alcohol on the Narconon program to be much more tolerable. Brian told of his arrival and withdrawal. “When I first got to Narconon, I felt relieved. I had met some individuals and they were very passionate about what they did. They cared. They cared about getting me better. When I didn’t care about myself, they cared about me. That made a great impression on me. I felt a lot of love. They were there every step of the way with me. I really appreciated that.
“The portion of the program that helped me the most was the withdrawal phase. After three or four days of being here, I began to accept myself and the love that was around me. That is where I got a lot of my strength that carried me through the rest of the program. Once I quit fighting myself and decided to live for a better me and a better me for my family—that is where I saw the major change in me. This really sustained me. It just got better from then on.”
After finishing the entire program—the withdrawal, the unique sauna-based detox and the life skills training, Brian said, “I feel awesome. I feel on top of the world. There is nothing I can’t accomplish right now. I love myself now. I can look at myself with respect. I can look at my reflection in the mirror and smile. There used to be all these layers—of drugs and alcohol and all this other junk and now that is stripped away. Now the true me is here. Thanks to this program, it’s here.”
The Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation program turns lives around every day. It is one of the most successful rehab programs in the world at providing lasting recovery. Brian is just one of the thousands who has discovered its effectiveness.