Narconon Program History 2007
2007 was a great year for the Narconon program as it marked its 41st anniversary. Accolades and proclamations continued apace during this year, for the Drug Rehab and Drug Education work Narconon does throughout the world.
Letters, Articles and Events from 2007:

Letter: District Attorney supports Narconon Georgia

City of Salinas, CA Commends Narconon

Commendations from United States Congress

2007 - Eastern Oklahoma State College approves Narconon courses as continuing education

2007 - Houston Texas Acknowledges Narconon

Houston Texas Proclamation - 2007

Letter of Acknowledgement - US Congress

Letter: Lt. Governor of Georgia applauds Narconon

2007 - Narconon Vista Bay Commended for Volunteering

Oklahoma Executive Department Proclamation - 2007

Santa Cruz County Honors Narconon Vista Bay

State of Hawaii - Proclamation

US President Volunteer Service Award Certificate

US President Volunteer Service Award Letter