Drug Rehab for Holland, Michigan

Addicts need help but often reject all efforts by family and friends. It can be quite heartbreaking to watch a loved one travel down such a destructive road and seem numb to the fact that it is destructive.
People who want to help an addict get off drugs or alcohol will be relieved to know that a Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation center is only a couple hours away from Holland.
The Narconon Treatment Center, a residential drug rehab facility located in Albion, Michigan, provides the help needed to get an addict off drugs and also to help them learn to live a sober lifestyle. It’s time to get an addicted person the help they need, before getting a phone call you never want to receive—that your loved one is in jail or has overdosed.
A Drug-free Drug Rehab near Holland Leads the Way to a Sober Life
The Narconon program uses no drug substitutes, either in the withdrawal phase or in other parts of the program. Rather than just mask the difficulties accompanying drug withdrawal and recovery, Narconon addresses the matter thoroughly.
The body of an addict lacks many nutrients that were depleted by previous drug use. A deficiency in certain nutrients can cause depression, tiredness, and even pain. Narconon uses plenty of good nutrition in the program to alleviate problems with energy and health, without the use of other substitute medications. Where there is a need for a medically-assisted wean down or detox, this would be completed prior to starting the drug-free Narconon program.
Administering other drugs as a treatment method only ends up trading one addiction for another. Methadone, Suboxone and other medications used by many recovery programs are addictive. With a drug-free program, Narconon helps a person leave addiction behind and teaches them how to live a drug-free life.
Drug Recovery Treatment Using a Many-Pronged Approach
The first step is withdrawal, with staff constantly monitoring vital signs, sleep and food intake. Included are nutritional supplements that support the body during detoxification. Some unique physical techniques assist in calming aches and pains. Gentle reorientation processes help the recovering addict to become more aware of their immediate surroundings.
The next step is the innovative Narconon New Life Detoxification. This detoxification allows the body to flush out residue drugs that have lodged in the fatty tissues of the body. Once these drugs are fully eliminated the person feels clear-headed and bright.

Those who have gone down the road of addiction have experienced a deterioration of the quality of life that accompanies drug abuse. The Narconon program approaches this in a direct manner. To repair and bolster the quality of life of a recovering addict, the person completes special life skills courses that teach him or her how to live a life without drugs.
One example of a life skill course taught in the Narconon program is the Changing Conditions in Life Course. This course teaches the individual how to start repairing relationships and situations in his or her life that came about because of addiction. Then each person learns a gradient approach to repairing those situations so they never have to resort to drugs to escape from their problems again.
Find the Lasting Help an Addict Needs to Live a Sober Life
Holland is in Ottawa County, and Ottawa County, just like many other parts of Michigan, isn’t just having a problem with heroin and cocaine. Prescription drug abuse has escalated drastically in recent times. It is, in fact, the fastest-growing drug problem. Almost one-third of those aged 12 and over who began using drugs started out by using a prescription drug non-medically.
No matter what drug your loved one in Holland is addicted to, it is vital to get them the help they need to find the way to a productive and happy life without drugs. Narconon is the holistic and effective program for lasting sobriety. Contact Narconon today.