A Truly Drug-Free Life at Last

Many addicts find it hard to get lasting relief from their addictions. They search and search for effective rehab, trying numerous programs which may only help them achieve short periods of sobriety. Additionally, almost all traditional rehabs and detox programs give the recovering addict substitute drugs. But this means that a person who has gone to rehab to get sober leaves dependent on a new drug—one prescribed often while he was in rehab.

Narconon Arrowhead graduate Dan

Dan is one addict who was addicted to multiple drugs and had a terrible time staying clean. Then he finally found a solution.

Dan described his addictions. “I had been drinking and using drugs since I was about fifteen. I just progressively got worse. If I wasn’t drinking I would pick up another drug. I had a cocaine problem for about three years. I did OxyContin for two years. And I would always go back to drinking. Then I got on antidepressants. And that got me in a real state of misery. It was awful.”

He added, “Last year I crashed my car and my family decided I needed help. I agreed, but I had already tried multiple programs. I would have little pieces of sobriety here and there, but I was still miserable. Then my sister found Narconon on the Internet. I had never heard of it, and I didn’t really think there was any way to get clean and straight. But I told her I would definitely give it a chance. It was by far the best decision I ever made.”

The Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation program was exactly what Dan needed. First, he went through withdrawal, which he had done numerous times before. He said, “The Narconon withdrawal is definitely the way to withdraw from drugs. All the other rehabs or detoxes I went to would just give me a substitute drug. I would always leave the program on some other drug. Narconon does not do that. And withdrawal is not hard. You’ll have your bad days, but you’ll have your bad days coming off any drug. Overall, you hardly realize you are withdrawing from drugs.”

Soon after withdrawal, each participant in the rehab program goes through the Narconon New Life Detoxification. This phase of recovery consists of time in a low heat sauna, vitamin and mineral supplements in generous supply and daily exercise. This combination flushes out residues of drugs that accumulate in the tissues of the body. These toxic residual drugs are known to be associated with the activation of drug cravings. When these poisons are eliminated, cravings often greatly reduce or disappear altogether. Dan said, “The sauna definitely took care of all my drug cravings.

Then he continued with the remaining steps of the Narconon program, a series of life skills courses that provide knowledge and ability and provide tools so the student can restore relationships damaged by drug use and can rebuild areas of his life that were destroyed by addiction. An example of one of the courses is the Ups and Downs in Life Course. Here the recovering addict learns how to recognize different negative or positive characteristics of people and whether the person would be likely to drag him down or would support his new life without drugs.

Dan talked about these courses and what he attained from studying them. “The courses got me comfortable with myself. I know what to look out for now, what to be aware of, including people in my past or even in the present who can bring me down. I am confident with myself. I believe in myself.

Dan added, “The greatest success I got from the Narconon program was that I don’t need any drugs, period! Nothing prescribed or anything. I don’t crave drugs. Now every day is just better than the previous day. It just gets better and better and better. My life, my family relationships, my friendships are just getting stronger. It’s great!”

Dan graduated the Narconon Arrowhead Drug Rehab center.