An Addict Makes Her Way Back from being Lost in Addiction
When addicts wish to turn their lives around, they may spend years looking for a way out of the trap of addiction. After a traditional rehab program, they can sometimes stay sober for a short while, but it is very common for many recovering addicts to relapse soon after returning home. The addict carries on with a life filled with desperation, creating heartbreak for his or her family having reduced hope for happiness!

Pat was an addict for thirty years and knew what it was to suffer from addiction. She said, “When I was using drugs, it was very bleak. I had no desire to clean my home, to take care of my children, to take care of myself. The only thing I wanted to do is go out there and find the drugs and get high. I loved my family, I loved my sisters, I loved my daughters, my mother, and father, but it didn’t stop me. I just survived to get the drugs.”
She added, “For ten years I desired to live a drug-free life. I went to other rehabs, I went to different counseling programs, I went to psychologists. I went to all these people trying to find answers to my drug addiction. It was Narconon that gave me my answers.”
The Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation program is a multi-faceted approach to addiction that facilitates recovery without using long-term substitute drugs, which many consider trading one addiction for another. The treatment is effective in getting a recovering addict through withdrawal and through a unique detox that strips away residual drugs trapped in the body’s fatty tissues. It also provides a series of life skills courses that prepare the recovering individual for an ethical, productive life without drugs.
Pat had been through withdrawal before, but the withdrawal at Narconon was a new experience for her. She said, “I never thought I could successfully come off of drugs without using other drugs. But at Narconon I had people there all the time, making sure I got fed. They were very caring. They were very loving, and they got me through the withdrawal part of the program.”
Some people may require a medically assisted wean down when coming of certain drugs such as benzos or heavy alcohol, and in those cases, may begin the drug-free withdrawal at Narconon once that is completed.
Narconon is one of the most successful rehab programs in the field, with a high success rate of lasting recovery from addiction. Those who finish the program often make comments like Pat did, “The biggest thing I got out of the Narconon program is I got life back. I got a life where I can live happily, successfully and productively without the use of drugs.”
She added, “After suffering from drug addiction for over thirty years, I’ve been clean for two and a half years after completing the Narconon program. And I’m happy. I wake up every morning just wanting to go out there and be alive again and it feels really good. And my family has a mother, sister, and daughter back.”
Narconon isn’t just a partial solution. The Narconon program has the full package, the entire route to a drug-free and productive life. It is an effective choice in drug rehabs to achieve a fulfilling life without drugs.
Pat completed the drug rehab program Narconon Arrowhead.