Stopping That Never-Ending Cycle of Addiction

Jack was living a kind of hell that comes from drug and alcohol addiction. He was caught in an endless cycle of getting money to buy drugs, doing what he had to do to get that money, using the drugs and alcohol then starting the cycle all over again. There was nothing else to his life but these actions repeated over and over. He thought it would never stop.
Jack describes what happened to his life as a result of being addicted. “I was using crack cocaine, alcohol, methamphetamine, and OxyContin. These drugs tore my body down to the point I was nothing. My family was at wit’s end with me. My father was frustrated and fed up. My sister would pretty much have nothing to do with me. I had nothing. I was lost. I was wandering. I had no aim, no direction to go.”
This sounds very similar to the lives of other addicts. These are common occurrences with addiction—that drug and alcohol abuse breaks apart families, destroys the health of the addict and obliterates any dreams the addict once had. However, like Jack found out, there is hope of getting a real life back.
Narconon is an effective and highly successful drug and alcohol rehabilitation program and gives any addict the chance to live a life without drugs. It is really all about lasting recovery from addiction. This is what Narconon holds for those who do this drug rehab treatment. The tools exist at Narconon that give someone addicted to drugs or alcohol the ability to get back in control of his (or her) life and destiny. He can build dreams again, set goals and accomplish those goals.
One major part of recovery is the sauna-based detox. This is done after withdrawal and helps to flush out drug residues that have remained in the body and would stay there for years if nothing was done to eliminate them. These residual drugs are notorious for contributing to drug cravings which is why it is so important to get them out of the body. Once done with this portion of the Narconon treatment, the recovering addict notices many changes, both physical and mental.
Jack said, “My biggest win on the Narconon program was doing the sauna portion. The changes that I saw when I came through! I was able to see myself as a brand new person. The physical changes and the mental changes were just amazing. I was like somebody I hadn’t recognized in ten years.”
In addition to the innovative sauna detox, the recovering addict also goes through extensive life skills training. This fortifies him to go back into life, repair damaged parts of his life and restore relationships. He learns how to effectively communicate, learns responsibility and inspects his past life thoroughly. He finds his strengths and weaknesses and can build on the strengths and learn how to fix the weak areas.
This life skill training was particularly important to Jack. He said, “The Narconon program gave me the ability to change myself and actually show my family that I was changing into a different person. It has very much improved our relationship. My family has come to see me twice since I’ve been in the program and we’ve actually had good conversations and haven’t fought with each other—which is amazing as we haven’t had that in a while.”
During the Narconon Life Skills Courses, a participant studies with and works with other students, each getting the other person through exercises which help in applying these invaluable principles to their lives. Jack said, “On the program as a student, I had the opportunity to help other individuals go through some of the difficulties that they were facing. This really helped me raise my responsibility level and my communication with others.”
He added, “Now that I have finished the Narconon program, I feel absolutely fantastic! I feel like I never have before. I have no sense of cravings. I have a sense of purpose in my life. I have a direction that I want to follow. I actually have goals that I want to set out and achieve. Because of the Narconon program, I have everything back. I have something to look forward to again.”
Narconon gives an addict the opportunity to get his life back on track. He will be able to face and deal with situations and people that could badly influence him. He can live a drug-free life and be a proud and contributing member of society. This is what recovery from addiction should accomplish and at Narconon, it does.