Intra-Science Research Foundation Awards Director of Narconon

Bulletin of the Intra-Science Research Foundation - December, 1972
The Intra-Science Community Service Award
As Intra-Science enters into a broad-reaching, five year Master Plan for expansion, it is appropriate that the first Intra-Science Community Service Award be presented to Lt. Col. Mark Jones, United States Marine Corps, (Ret), the Director of NARCONON (Non-Narcotics).
So much money, effort and pure scientific research is left un-utilized in today’s explosively expanding and polluted technological world that it is indeed a pleasure to see in Col. Jones and NARCONON the application of science in the public interest.
Such are the objectives of Intra-Science itself.
Col. Jones, who holds a Master of Science degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has a highly successful record as an administrator and aeronautical engineer with the Marine Corps. Already a competent executive upon leaving the military, he broadened his abilities in the fields of communication and personal counseling and with this arsenal of qualifications, he entered the Drug Abuse field in the late 1960’s.
NARCONON is just 6 years old, but in the last two years, with Col. Jones as Director, it has achieved some phenomenal results. NARCONON now operates the largest and most successful criminal drug abuse rehabilitation program in the United States, and has recently established very successful programs in Mexico, Canada, Sweden, and New Zealand.
What is perhaps most outstanding is that NARCONON, in dealing with some of the most hardened prison cases, is able to say that less than 13% of the participants in NARCONON programs have returned to their former lives of criminal drug abuse.
The successes, recommendations and credentials of NARCONON and Col. Jones are far too numerous to list. What truly deserves notice, however, are the endorsements of those hundreds of former addicts who today lead productive, ethical lives due to NARCONON, Col. Jones, and his staff.
We applaud these accomplishments, and look forward to the many years of socially beneficial production for the many programs Col. Jones has so ably engineered.
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