Overcoming the Horrors of Addiction

Addiction to drugs or alcohol can drive even a productive person’s life into ruin. Despite an underlying desire to leave addiction behind, the addict often feels there is no hope of going back to a drug-free and happy life. He feels stuck—trapped in addiction and overwhelmed by the cravings generated. Wayne was well familiar with the horrors of addiction. He described what drugs did to his life.
“Drugs tore me apart. I was in a downward spiral. My family considered me hopeless. I was careless with my actions. I couldn’t hold a job because of the drugs. The drugs just took me away to the point where I felt that there was going to be no way out—no return to normal civilization again. The drugs just ate me away, little by little. Soon I became nobody.”
When Wayne discovered Narconon Arrowhead, he knew this was going to be different, but he didn’t realize just how different it was going to be. He knew that Narconon treatment consisted of thorough address to both the physical and mental dependencies that take over a person’s life. However, he didn’t realize what incredible results were going to occur.
Wayne described his arrival. “When I first came to Narconon, the staff welcomed me with open arms. Everybody was just amazing. It was not something you’d expect out of a drug rehabilitation center. I had been to two other drug rehabs—28-day programs—and they were nothing like this one. Narconon has everything to offer, including happiness. Everybody here is just one big family.”
One part of the Narconon treatment program is the Narconon New Life Detoxification. This sauna-based detox is done after the recovering addict is through withdrawal. It employs nutritional supplements, daily moderate exercise and time in a sauna to flush out residual drugs and toxins from the body. Once done in its entirety, this sauna detox is known to reduce or even eliminate cravings. It cleans the body and at the same time clears the mind, often making the person feel brighter, more alive and able to think more clearly.
Wayne experienced a turning point doing the sauna detox. “There was a point where I was sitting in the sauna and I felt unbelievable. I don’t think I can explain in words about how good I felt in that moment. I just felt relieved of all the drugs I ever did. It changed my life forever. There is no high from any drug—and I’ve done just about all of them—that could make me feel as good as that moment in time in the sauna.”
He added, “Now that I’m done with the Narconon program I have my life back. My family has their son back. I’m ready to start living life on life’s terms. I’m happier than any time in my life. I feel healthier than ever before. When one can love himself, he can love everyone around them.”
Narconon has the innovative program to put an addict back into control of his life. It is one of the most successful drug rehab programs in the field, shown time and time again by Wayne and thousands of others who are now recovered from drug or alcohol addiction.