An Addict Achieves the Dream of Who He Wants to Be

Marty talks about his experience with Narconon

A person who is addicted to drugs or alcohol may have an idea of who he really wants to be. He may wish to be a sober person who is happy in life, with a family, a good-paying job, and dreams for the future. However, addiction does not permit these things to come into being. An addict is unhappy, depressed and isolated. His family is alienated and distrustful. He has lost jobs and had his dreams destroyed. Marty was a man who did drugs for thirty years and knows how devastating drug addiction can be.

Then Marty found Narconon Arrowhead. Although he began the program not knowing what to expect, he soon found his life completely changed. The Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation program approaches addiction utilizing a variety of effective methodologies, addressing the underlying causes of physical and mental dependency. The first step is withdrawal, and this is made more tolerable by the expertise of those there to provide hands-on help. Nutritional support is also important in strengthening the body so the person is better able to cope with any difficulties withdrawal presents.

Marty spoke about his experience. “When I first got into withdrawal, the staff went out of their way to make me feel really comfortable. I was kind of freaked out and didn’t know what to expect. They were very helpful, very supportive. They told me this was my temporary home. And it did feel like home!”

But tolerable withdrawal is not the only thing that makes Narconon so special. A very important part of recovery from addiction is flushing out the residual drugs that become trapped in the fatty tissues of the body. These toxic residues are known to be associated with cravings, and thus when eliminated from the system, the recovering addict feels less prone to relapse. Additionally, the person with a cleansed body of toxins and poisons feels brighter and healthier. This is done in the New Life Detoxification program as the next major step after withdrawal.

Marty said, “The best part of the program for me was the sauna portion. After three weeks I felt incredible. I didn’t realize that I couldn’t smell before. It was probably from all the damage I did from doing drugs, snorting them. But now I could smell again. I could see better. I could hear better. I could taste better. I woke up in the morning really being awake. I had more energy. I could tell that all the poisons and toxins were out of my body. I felt great. And I still feel great.”

The final steps of the Narconon program are life skills training course. This is vital in providing the recovering individual with tools he can use to maintain a sober life. He learns how to restore relationships damaged by an addicted lifestyle. He finds information on how to rebuild his life and gain back his self-respect. He gets back self-control. He sheds any guilt, taking responsibility for past acts, and learns how to improve the different areas of his life so he can be successful and productive. All without the need to ever use substitution drugs.

Marty described his success with the Narconon program. “In the past when I was using drugs, I had this idea that I wanted to be a sober individual that people looked up to and who was fun-loving. Thanks to the information that I have learned at Narconon, I have become that person! I am very happy about it.”

Narconon is one of the most effective drug rehab programs in its field. Drug-addicted lives are healed every day around the world. When a former addict becomes a valuable member of society again, everybody wins.