What you can do about Synthetic Drug Abuse
There is a new enemy to the health and very survival of your children that few parents know enough about. That is the rise of a new kind of drug that youth are abusing - synthetics. These are drugs born in a laboratory, most of them with no other function than to severely affect a person’s state of mind.

The United Nations has termed these drugs “New Psychoactive Substances.” The media has been calling them “Designer Drugs” because, as soon as an existing drug is formally made ‘illicit’ or illegal, rogue chemists will ‘design’ a new molecular structure (slightly shifting an old formula) to come up with a ‘new’ variant of the drug. Some of these toxic drugs have highly unpredictable effects such as hallucinations, strokes, seizures, violent aggression, suicide, homicide, and death.
The information that follows may be challenging to read because of its severity. You may want to read just a little at a time. However, for the sake of your children or other young people, it is important that more people understand how very dangerous and destructive these drugs are.