Acknowledgement Plaque for Narconon Gabbiano

Citta di Melendugno
Associazione Narconon “Il Gabbiano”
Sede di Torre Dell’Orso - Melendugno
per l’organizzazione delle
Settimane Ecologiche 2010
17 Agosto 2010
L’Amministrazione Comunale
City of Melendugno
Narconon Association “Il Gabbiano”
Home to Torre Dell’Orso - Melendugno
for the organization of
Ecological Weeks 2010
August 17, 2010
The City Council
The center has been involved, with a social work for the benefit of the environment, in the operations “Clean Beaches” and “Ecological Weeks” with which the municipality of Melendugno and the center have combined their efforts to get back the Blue Flag, international recognition awarded to seaside resorts that meet criteria relating to sustainable land management.
The center is located in the city of Melendugno, in the hamlet of Torre dell, in the province of Lecce and enjoys a high esteem and reputation in the area.
Since June 2005, the center is recognized and registered with the Regional Authority of the Puglia region. This recognition was confirmed by the Regional Board in September 2012. In addition, the Association Narconon Gabbiano since 2010 is officially registered with the Anti-Drug Department / Prime Minister’s Office.