State of Wyoming Proclaims Narconon Day

Whereas, Twenty-five years ago inmate William Benitez founded the Narconon program inside the walls of Arizona state prison after reading the book fundamentals of thought by American author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard, and began the successful rehabilitation of himself and other inmates addicted to heroin and other drugs, including alcohol; and
Whereas, there are now 24 Narconon centers located in the United States, Canada, Australia, Denmark, Germany, France, Holland, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom treating thousands of individuals addicted to drugs each year; and
Whereas, Narconon is fighting the war on drugs on two fronts; 1) through drug education/ prevention presentations delivered in schools, juvenile facilities, community organizations, and 2) through rehabilitating those who have become addicted to alcohol and other drugs; and
Whereas, Narconon uses the completely drug-free and effective rehabilitation program developed by L. Ron Hubbard; and
Whereas, the staff and the many volunteers have dedicated their lives to fighting the war on drugs through preventing our future generations from becoming addicted and successfully treating those who are addicted to alcohol and other drugs; and
Whereas, Narconon centers around the world have saved thousands of lives and each day are saving thousands more; and
WHEREAS, Narconon International’s worldwide effort to prevent drug addiction and rehabilitate those that have become addicted is headquartered here in Hollywood, California.
NOW THEREFORE, I, MIKE SULLIVAN, Governor of the State of Wyoming, do hereby proclaim August 17, 1991, to be
in Wyoming.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of Wyoming to be affixed this 7th day of August, 1991.
Mike Sullivan