County of Los Angeles California Proclamation to Narconon on its 25th Anniversary

25th Anniversary
WHEREAS, for a quarter of a century, narconon has proved itself to be a uniquely effective drug rehabilitation program world wide; and
WHEREAS, because of unparalleled results of the drug rehabilitation methods developed by humanitarian l. ron hubbard, narconon has expanded from one small program in an arizona state prison to an international network of 24 non-profit centers in 12 countries; and
WHEREAS, narconon has re-defined the word success in the field of drug rehabilitation through its program of teaching a way of life that is free from drugs and an understanding why a person becomes addicted; and
WHEREAS, narconon gives a person an approach to the future with renewed certainty, self-confidence, hope and the tools to gain control of his life:
NOW THEREFORE, sincere congratulations are offered to the directors, counselors and staff of narconon and most especially to its graduates in the celebration of the silver anniversary of narconon for leading the way to a drug free culture.
Supervisor, Third District