Narconon Taiwan
Drug Rehabilitation Center
Like much of the rest of Southern Asia, Taiwan has a heavy trade in heroin and methamphetamine. At nightclubs in Taipei, synthetic drugs like Ecstasy are combined with ketamine, causing addiction and severe physical harm. The Narconon center in Taiwan was founded to help people escape addiction to these life-destroying drugs.
The first Narconon center was established in cooperation with members of the Buddhist community, using temple grounds for the rehab facility.
It began after a successful demonstration of the Narconon drug rehab program with heroin-addicted inmates of Taipei Jail, which was carried out with the cooperation and support of the government, the Buddhist community, and individual citizens, two staff were sent to train at the Narconon Training Center in Oklahoma. During their study and internships, Narconon drug education presentations were delivered throughout Taiwan along with participation in major nationally televised events. Upon the return of Taiwan’s first trained Narconon staff, the first Narconon Taiwan residential center was opened in quarters shared with a Buddhist temple, in collaboration with the Chinese Youth Buddhists Association Foundation.
Once the center was further established, the staff found a beautiful property in Ji-An Township, on the other side of the island from the nightlife.
The current facility provides privacy and calm for a person building a new life from the wreckage of the old one. Everything a person needs to succeed on this program is right at hand—classrooms for the study of sober living skills, a sauna for the deep detoxification phase of the rehab program, plenty of room for the exercise that helps that detox achieve its maximum effectiveness and accommodations for the students. The parklike grounds can be used for relaxation between classes, with many shady corners where a person in recovery can take a few moments to relax as he escapes the trauma of the past and looks forward to a new, sober life.
The staff and volunteers associated with this Narconon center use it as a headquarters for their extensive community activities. There are drug education classes to be given to schoolchildren or perhaps even inmates in local jails. Drug education booklets will be handed out at train stations or street festivals. The drug prevention experts at Narconon Taiwan could even be traveling to television or radio stations for their educational work. It all starts at this Narconon center in Ji-An Township.
See also: Narconon Taiwan Facility