5 Ways Meth Destroys Your Body

Methamphetamine is one of the most potent, addictive, and dangerous synthetic drugs currently in existence. It often causes addiction after just a single use and systematically destroys the user’s body. Why then would anyone even consider taking it and why is meth so addictive? The answer is simple: because of the desirable high, it can produce. Regardless of whether meth is snorted, smoked or injected, it creates a sudden and intense rush of pleasure and euphoria, along with a feeling of increased energy, focus, confidence, sexual skill, and desirability. It can be extremely uncomfortable, even painful, to come down off a meth high, which drives the individual to take more when the desirable effects begin to wear off. Unfortunately, higher volumes of meth are required in order to achieve another desirable rush, and no rush will be quite as high as the first one was. Even as the individual desperately tries to recreate the experience they once had with meth, the drug strips their body of necessary nutrients and impairs basic functions, robbing them not only of their physical health but also their cognitive abilities, their libido, their normal appearance, and even their ability to experience pleasure.
How Meth Destroys Your Body
One could consider that the effects of meth use essentially strip the body of anything and everything that helps it to operate well, and they wouldn’t be wrong. More specifically, here are five areas of the body that meth affects and destroys:
1. The brain.
The effects of meth on the brain are quite extensive since this is where the drug primarily works to create the rush the user desires. When it enters the brain, meth stimulates the release of a large volume of dopamine, the neurotransmitter involved in the processes of pleasure and reward. This is what causes the individual to feel such an intense rush of pleasure and euphoria. Research has indicated that whereas sexual activity can raise dopamine levels in the brain to two hundred units and cocaine use can raise dopamine levels to three hundred fifty units, methamphetamine use can raise dopamine levels to twelve hundred fifty units. With continued meth use, the dopamine receptors in the brain are destroyed and the individual is no longer capable of feeling pleasure—from any stimulus. Meth can actually change the chemistry of the brain and while abstinence may help to restore healthy dopamine receptors, research has indicated that impaired cognitive abilities, such as memory, judgment, and motor coordination, appear to be permanent. Meth users often suffer from psychotic behavior, paranoia, insomnia, anxiety, aggression, delusions, and hallucinations as a result of meth’s effects on their brain.
2. The skin.
Meth use destroys tissues and blood vessels, impairing the body’s natural ability to repair itself. This can cause acne issues, a graying and drooping of the skin, and much more. Furthermore, since many meth users operate under the delusion that there are bugs crawling under their skin, they will usually scratch and pick at their skin until they create sores, which take a very long time to heal or may not heal completely at all.
3. Weight.
Meth is a stimulant drug, which means that it can stimulate physical activity even while suppressing the individual’s appetite. In fact, some individuals begin their meth use as a way to lose weight quickly and “easily.” Unfortunately, meth use does not cause normal, healthy weight loss but rather results in gaunt and frail individuals. This means that even while meth use is causing the individual to feel more confident, attractive, and desirable it is actually making them less attractive and desirable.
4. The mouth.
“Meth mouth” is one of the most notable effects of meth use. Since meth use causes the salivary glands to dry out, there is nothing to help keep mouth acid away from tooth enamel. As a result, tooth enamel is slowly and steadily eaten away, resulting in cavities. Meth users also tend to grind their teeth and binge on sugary foods and drinks, while failing to participate in any sort of normal oral care. Shrinking blood vessels fail to supply the mouth with the blood it needs to stay healthy, and oral tissues begin to decay. This can lead to broken, discolored, and rotting teeth.
5. Sexually transmitted diseases.
Meth use can heighten an individual’s libido at the same time that it impairs their judgment, and this combination can lead to risky sexual behavior. Unprotected sex can cause a meth user to contract hepatitis, HIV, and syphilis, among other dangerous STDs.
Meth can also lower the individual’s resistance to illness and cause liver damage, convulsions, an increase in body temperature, stroke, and more. Where an individual is suffering from any level of meth or other synthetic drug use, their life is quite literally in danger and immediate action must be taken to get them the treatment they need.
If you know someone who is suffering from meth use, abuse or addiction, contact Narconon Arrowhead today at (877) 508-8151.