LAPD Chief Bratton and Captain Fierro Thank Narconon for Drug Education Program

Los Angeles Police Department
December 2, 2004
Narconon Drug Prevention & Education Inc.
Los Angeles, California
On October 19, 2004, I requested Narconon’s assistance with a presentation to Loyola High School freshman boys on drug prevention. The presentation by Mr. Tony Bylsma was very upbeat and looking at the feedback from the students it was well received by a touching group of 9th grade students.
The professionalism and well thought out presentation is nothing short of impressive. It is obvious to me that Narconon is an effective educational tool for our young adults and teenagers in drug prevention.
Having been in law enforcement for over 26 years, I have seen first hand the negative impact illegal drugs has on our youth.
Your program surpasses all others in the area of drug education and knowledge of the physiological and psychological impacts of drugs on the body. However, it is the manner by which Narconon makes its presentation to these difficult audiences that is so outstanding.
Thank you for your efforts, and please do not hesitate to contact me if I can ever be of assistance.
Very truly yours,
Chief of Police
Commanding Officer
Hollenbeck Area