The Truth About Drugs Issue V
A Narconon Publication
Editor John S. Duff
Narconon (from non-narcosis, or “Drugs-No!”) is something new. It is a totally drug-free, highly effective program to rehabilitate drug or alcohol abusers and get them back in control of their lives.
Utilizing the drug rehabilitation methods developed by American author and philosopher L. Ron Hubbard, Narconon was founded by William Benitez, an inmate in the Arizona State Prison in 1966. The original group of ten inmates in the Narconon program expanded to over one hundred within the first year, and due to the unprecedented success of Mr. Hubbard’s methods, the program rapidly spread to other prisons. In 1972 the program was made available to the public with the opening of the first Street program in Los Angeles.
Today there are Narconon centers throughout the Western world, in Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland and Australia, as well as across the United States.
According to a study by the National Institute of Drug Abuse, a majority of patients treated for heroin or heavy cocaine addiction were using drugs again at least once a week within a year after they finished treatment. These findings are, unfortunately, typical of most rehabilitation methods.
In these times of failing treatment programs, Narconon delivers results documented by social research groups. An independent Spanish study done by Tecnicos Asociados de Investigacion y Marketing showed that 70% of Narconon graduates stayed off drugs. An independent Swedish study conducted by Heinz Gunter reported that 76% of Narconon graduates were still off drugs two years after their programs.
A Narconon graduate is not left with the urge to revert, nor does he need to be put on other medication to keep him stable. Narconon graduates are brought back to life: confident, in control, and able to achieve their goals without the use of drugs.
For the millions of individuals personally caught up in the trap of drug abuse, and the millions of others who are also directly or indirectly affected, the Narconon program provides a real and workable route back to freedom from drugs.
For, more information on Narconon, write to Narconon International, 6255 Sunset Blvd., Suite 2020, Hollywood, CA 90028. (213) 962-2404.
If you are a drug-free student in school willing to sign a pledge to not use alcohol or other drugs, you may join the FRIENDS of NARCONON Club, receive our newsletters and free tickets to our celebrity softball games each year. Write or call Friends of Narconon, 6255 Sunset Blvd., Suite 2020, Hollywood, CA 90028. (213) 962-2404.