Mexican American Sun

April 8, 1976
Guide to rehabilitation centers now available
A new different look at drug abuse rehabilitation facilities is given by the booklet “A Consumers Guide to Drug Abuse Rehabilitation in L. A. County” which is being distributed throughout L. A. County by Narconon, the controversial private non-profit group that handles drug abuse.
The booklet provides an index of rehabilitation facilities in L. A. County giving the individual who is seeking help pertinent data on each facility’s philosophy, method, success rate, cooperation with other groups and funding.
Over 2000 of the booklets which list more than 90 facilities in L. A. County are being distributed free to county education boards, government officials and schools. Booklets can be picked up at Kovner Publications, 319 N. Soto Street, near the corner of Brooklyn Avenue.
Narconon, the controversial group distributing the booklet, handles drug abuse without the use of attack therapy, psychiatric intervention or substitute drug therapy such as methadone in working to prevent and reduce drug abuse and drug related crime.
The National President of Narconon, Peter Drusts, who is headquartered in L. A., stated “We feel the booklet is a valuable source of data to individuals wanting to find out what type of drug abuse rehabilitation facilities are available in the county. Before this booklet there just has not been any index of this type giving the individual an insight into the types and location of facilities in the county. I hope the booklet is not only circulated throughout the county but also in the schools as it is in the high school age group that use of drugs often develops into addiction.”
Narconon’s principle is that an individual lacking a feeling of self-worth and unable to deal with problems and life is liable to resort to drugs or crimina1 behavior and often does. Narconon’s procedures increase the awareness, communication level and responsibility of the individual directly and are also used in conjunction with nutrition programs and a caring staff in painless drugfree withdrawal for the addict.
From its start in Arizona State Prison in 1966 by William Benitez an inmate and drug addict of 17 years, Narconon now operates a variety of programs in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, South Africa, West Germany, Australia and Sweden.
Individuals and groups interested in obtaining copies of the “Consumers” Guide to Drug Rehabilitation in Los Angeles County, please contact: Narconon US, 6425 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 206, Hollywood, California, or call 469-8347