Evening Outlook Newspaper reports, Narconon Receives First Intra-Science Research Foundation Community Service Award

Evening Outlook
Santa Monica, California, Monday, December 4, 1972
SM Drug Symposium
By Stella Zadeh
Evening Outlook Staff Writer
The first Community Service Award from an international foundation that aims to apply scientific findings to improving the quality of life was presented this weekend in Santa Monica.
Prof. Norman Kharasch of USC, head of Intra-Science Research Foundation, made the award to Lt. Col. Mark Jones, USMC (Ret.), for his highly successful leadership of NARCONON, a Los Angeles-based international drug addict rehabilitation program.
The presentation was a highlight of a three-day conference on “Mechanisms of Drug Action” at the Miramar Hotel, attended by more than 140 noted scientists.
The symposium was sponsored by Intra-Science, a 10-year-old Santa Monica-based non-profit foundation which both promotes basic science and acts as a catalyst in having scientific knowledge applied to improving society.
Lt. Col. Jones’ NARCONON program was selected for the award, Dr. Kharasch said, “to recognize a work of science that is truly ‘meaningful to the community.”
NARCONON, the nation’s largest criminal drug addict rehabilitation program, operates largely by retraining drug addicts and changing their self-image so they find satisfaction in life without drug use.
“We provide a drug addict the means to turn himself on to life,” Jones said. He pointed out that this program, which applies scientific principles to criminal addict rehabilitation, has the nation’s lowest rate of recurrence of drug abuse.
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