Narconon Europe
Drug Rehabilitation for Scandinavia and All of Europe

No corner of the world is immune from drug or alcohol addiction. And so Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers are needed in each corner of the world to provide a healthy and holistic path back to sobriety. For Northern Europe, a Narconon rehab center was established in 2016 to serve the needs of Scandinavians and Europeans.
The location chosen for this center is nothing short of exquisite. It’s less than an hour outside Copenhagen, meaning access is easy from every European metropolis. The main lodge sits on sixteen acres of unspoiled Danish countryside, surrounded by farms and woods. The fresh air, sunlight and dazzling view of Lake Arresø have their own therapeutic effects.
Every foot of this center demonstrates the light and airy design that is the epitome of Danish style. The idea is to make each person feel comfortable as they make the transition from addicted to newly sober. From the common rooms to the guest rooms, from the dining room to the game and music facilities, this is a center designed to enhance and improve recovery of one’s true self.
The Narconon Program
From the first moment of arrival, each person begins to receive the support for which Narconon centers are justly so famous. Precise nutritional supplementation and one-on-one work with staff ease each client’s withdrawal. Walks through the grounds and gentle reorientation exercises also help our clients gain a greater ability to focus on their recoveries.

As soon as withdrawal is complete, a thorough sauna-based detoxification step brings greater clarity of thinking to each person. Of course, the sauna is nothing new to Northern Europeans and Scandinavians. What is new is this unique system of combining nutrition, moderate exercise and daily time in the sauna to wash away old, stored drug toxins. The result many of our clients talk about is a brighter outlook and reduced cravings, both of which prepare those in recovery for the educational steps that follow.
Gaining Objectivity and Life Skills
When you’ve been addicted, it can be hard to give yourself a chance for happiness, even if you do manage to avoid drug use. The next steps of the Narconon program help each person leave those old mindsets behind and adopt a much more positive view of life.
First, the Objectives enable each person to gain a fresh viewpoint on life, one that is enhanced by greater control of actions and even thoughts. This step is composed of a series of exercises that help each person gradually regain communication with and control of themselves and their environments. Life itself can look bright again, which opens up one’s future to whatever one wishes to create.
The Life Skills courses that follow zero in on the exact skills needed to successfully navigate that sober life. This is where each person regains their own integrity and self-respect, where they learn how to manage and rebuild relationships with family and friends.
That’s how Narconon Europe helps individuals from all over Northern Europe recover their lives and true selves. Find out how we can help you or someone you love overcome the addiction that has been ruining your life. In eight to ten weeks for most people, a new sober future can be yours. Call us at (800) 737 5250 to learn more.