966 results

10 Signs of Hidden Heroin Addiction

Heroin addiction can be easy to overlook if you are not familiar with the signs. You might notice that something is wrong with your friend o…

How to Recover from Heroin Addiction

…d one has been using and is addicted to heroin is a terrible moment for any parent, sibling or other family member. Just as tragic is the fact that many heroin addicts go through rehab after rehab wit…

Heroin History 1900s—Part 2

… While organized crime kept heroin flowing into Europe throughout the 1950s, 1960s and the early 1970s, opium cultivation in the Golden Tr…

Heroin Use Doubles in Suburban America

…tigators at the scene also found heroin in Hoffman’s apartment. This fit in with the fact that the actor had spent 10 days in rehab last year for problems with heroin and prescription painkillers. …

Where Did All this Heroin Come From?

…pon a time, not so long ago, it was inconceivable that the average American would be addicted to heroin. It was only something that maybe people out on the fringes of society would do. Maybe bikers or…

How to Support a Heroin Addict Without Enabling

…t them, and who know how to help them. Heroin is an opiate drug substance that is derived from the Asian opium poppy plant. In order to create heroin, opium must first be extracted and refined i…

How is Narconon Different from a Heroin-Assisted Treatment Program?

heroin usage. Asia, North America, Australia, Europe – it’s everywhere. According to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, there are between 12 and 21 million users of opiates around the world with heroin

More Using Heroin Than Oxycodone And Other Prescriptions

Heroin is no longer reserved for haggard, zombie-like junkies huddled in the shadows of back alleys–it’s everywhere. It’s even creeping int…

Heroin Recovery Information | Rehabilitation & Recovery | Narconon

Heroin addiction is a complex, multi-faceted, and maladaptive behavior with physical symptoms and long-term consequences which m…

Heroin Addiction Rehab

…re you trying to help someone who is addicted to heroin? Or are you yourself a heroin addict who wants to get clean? There is help available. Heroin addiction rehab comes in all shapes and sizes an…