Narconon Drug Education & Prevention

Narconon Drug Education and Prevention Narconon Drug Education and Prevention Narconon Drug Education and Prevention Narconon Drug Education and Prevention Narconon Drug Education and Prevention Narconon Drug Education and Prevention Narconon Drug Education and Prevention Narconon Drug Education and Prevention Narconon Drug Education and Prevention

In Southern California, hundreds of thousands of children can thank Narconon Drug Prevention and Education for helping them stay off drugs and alcohol. This group takes a very different approach to drug education - one that has proven to be remarkably effective. They don’t use scare tactics and they don’t just tell kids not to use drugs without explaining why.

Instead, this multi-part curriculum uses education on the actual effects of drugs to explain the consequences of drub abuse. Once children have an understanding of the problems that can be created, more of them make up their minds to stay away from drugs. This has been proven in a peer-reviewed outcome study of this curriculum, that was executed in Hawaii and Oklahoma.

At club and civic meetings, at street fairs and community festivals, these drug educators are handing out materials and answering questions. In schools, they appear in classrooms at every grade level, adjusting the curriculum to the educational level they are addressing.

Surveys filled out by the students indicate that many of them were using drugs or had planned to start but as a result of these lectures, they changed their minds. In one of these surveys, the student who attended their lecture said, “My thoughts about drugs had changed. I used to think drugs were cool. I thought since everybody does it. I should do it too. Now I realize that drugs are bad.”

Narconon Drug Prevention and Education in Southern California has been acknowledged and commended by schools, clubs and the Los Angeles Police Department for their persistent efforts over the last thirty years to help young people grow up drug-free.