Emilia Romagna Clubs and Drugs

Emilia Romagna is an Italian region rich in tradition, history, culture and art, as well as famous for its cuisine, tourist attractions and beach resorts, and for the great entertainment offered by the clubs of its coastal area. But just in relation to the nightlife and clubs, we must consider that Emilia Romagna is unfortunately the Italian region with the highest mortality rate for drug-related car accidents. In fact, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a very common practice among the youth, including teenagers, returning home after a night at the disco. Because of its famous clubs, Rimini is one of the most popular destinations, and many drive several hundred kilometers to get there.

As in the rest of the Italian nightclubs, alcohol, ecstasy and cocaine are the more widely used drugs, easily available outside virtually every club. For many guests, getting high has become almost a requirement, without which the enjoyment is no longer guaranteed. Yet few know the real effects of drugs, while many young people become addicted over a couple of weekends. More than twenty-thousand drug abusers are in treatment in the public centers - 55% of them for cocaine and 45% for heroin - while drug-related hospitalizations are over 55 per 100,000 inhabitants, a much higher figure than the national average (41%).

Rimini is not only the capital of discos and clubs. Together with Piacenza, it is one of the principal drug trafficking centers in Italy. In 2009 8.3% of the national anti-drug operations took place there. The statistics are from the Report on the State of Addiction in Italy for 2009.

Drug Prevention

Young adults and teenagers have always been more prone to become victims of drugs. The general lack of information, and common misinformation about “soft” drugs, such as marijuana, or “safe” drugs because of being prescribed by doctors, are never sufficiently contrasted with the truth about drugs and alcohol, which should be included as part of regular curriculums in school. The Narconon drug prevention program includes drug education seminars and conferences that, each time and in all the schools where they were held, changed the students’ viewpoint on the use of drugs. In this regard, Narconon is present and active in Emilia Romagna, with both drug prevention and drug rehabilitation programs. The Narconon centers which operate more frequently with the problems of drugs and drug addiction in the region are Narconon Astore, Narconon Alfiere, and Narconon Il Gabbiano.

For more information, please write to info@narconon.org or visit our page of the Narconon centers in Europe and Italy.

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