Lifting the Guilt and Depression of Addiction

Arrowhead Testimony Mike B.

Mike knows how addiction can lead to awful feelings of guilt. Criminal behavior is common when someone is addicted as his (or her) need for more drugs overtakes reason and he only wants to stop the withdrawal symptoms that are making life so miserable. The state that his life has become creates a deep depression which itself becomes a barrier to recovery.

Mike said, “When addicted, I had stolen, I had lied. I had cheated my family and my friends. I was losing friends left and right. Every time I had tried to quit using drugs, the withdrawal symptoms made me sick. I’d get so sick, to the point where I didn’t care what I had to do to stop being sick.”

However, life does not have to continue this way and Mike also found this out. He found the Narconon program. With Narconon’s effective method of recovery, an addict is provided the route to lasting recovery. One of the most successful programs around, Narconon addresses all the key points of addiction so a person leaves the program with the best chance of staying sober from here on out.

There are three major steps to recovery at Narconon. The first is withdrawal, with innovative and successful ways to overcome the sickness and pain of withdrawal symptoms. The trained and caring staff monitor the recovering addict and provide nutritional support as well as unique relaxation techniques. The second step is the Narconon New Life Detoxification. This sauna detox includes vitamin and mineral supplements as well as daily moderate exercise. This combination flushes out harmful drug residues which linger in the body long after someone stops using drugs.

The third part of the Narconon program is truly invaluable at supporting a sober lifestyle. This final phase consists of life skills training where the participant learns how to restore and rebuild a drug-free life. He learns how to choose his friends based on whether they will support a sober lifestyle or not. He discovers many tools which he can use to improve his life, both now and into the future. The student learns a lot about responsibility, integrity and honesty. He can then live an ethical and productive life.

Mike said, “When I got into the second half of the Narconon program I really started to get my life back. I started getting my energy back. I started feeling better about myself. A lot of the guilt and a lot of the depression that I was feeling because of my drug use was actually starting to lift. It was going away.”

He continued, “I now have beaten my addiction to prescription medicines. I no longer have to use them. I no longer have to take them to function every day. All of a sudden, my life felt complete again. After I finished the program, I have my family back. I have my life back. I have my daughter back. It is just a feeling that can’t be explained.”

Narconon gives an addict the best route to recovery, with the full package for lasting sobriety.

Mike complete the Narconon Arrowhead drug rehab program in Oklahoma.