An Addict’s Parents Wait for that Inevitable Phone Call

Arrowhead Testimony Connie

When a parent loses her child to addiction, the heartbreak is immeasurable. The young person they used to know is totally different, caught in a trap of intense physical and mental cravings for drugs or alcohol. The child loses the positive personality traits so familiar to a mother and father, sister and brother. However, there is hope of getting your loved one back. The story of Connie and her son Dan is just one such story you hear at Narconon constantly.

Connie described what she went through when her son, Dan, was addicted. “It was a constant struggle, a constant worry. You jump when your phone rings. You are always just waiting for that phone call that is inevitable. You know something bad is going to happen. You don’t want to believe it but you just have to come to terms with it. That is part of this whole ordeal.”

Her son had turned into someone else unfamiliar to her. She said, “It was scary. He was hopeless, defeated, no self-confidence. He had kind of given up.” Then she found the Narconon Arrowhead rehab program and Dan began the program. In the Narconon drug and alcohol rehabilitation program, the addict has a real chance at lasting recovery. In fact, Narconon is one of the most successful and effective programs in its field at providing lasting recovery from addiction.

At Narconon, the participant first goes through a drugless withdrawal. This is made more tolerable through the use of nutritional support and assistance by the trained staff. The next major step is the Narconon New Life Detoxification where by using vitamin and mineral supplements along with a regimen of daily exercise and time in a sauna, the residual drugs stored in the body’s fatty tissues are flushed from the system.

Finally, the recovering addict studies a series of courses that permit him to rebuild and restore a life destroyed by drug use. He learns or re-learns life skills that help him deal with life without turning to drugs and alcohol as a solution to anything.

Connie said, “I think the program started kicking in for Dan about half way through. Each time he would call, you could hear a change in his voice. Some of the anger lifted and there was a little humor that came back and some self-confidence. It was an all-around better personality.”

Then she added, “When Dan finished the program at Narconon, I immediately called people and said, ‘I got my son back.‘” She broke down briefly from the emotional impact of her own words. She continues, “It was somebody I hadn’t seen in years. We wouldn’t give up on him so he wouldn’t give up on himself. Now, he’s funny, he’s very confident, and hopeful. He’s the person we all want our kids to be.”

With Narconon, those who have thought they lost someone to addiction are overcome with joy to get their loved one back. Narconon saves addicted lives every day.