An Addict Saves His Relationship with his Father

Arrowhead Testimony Colt

An addict, in his desperate attempt to satisfy the drug cravings, will lie, cheat and steal to get the drugs he feels he must have. Parents finally lose all the trust they had for a child who turns to doing such actions despite a moral upbringing. Colt knows how a family can be driven apart by drug abuse and addiction. It happened to him and his family.

Colt said, “While I was addicted, it was just a constant struggle. I started doing drugs at age fourteen and from then on it was trouble after trouble. Before you knew it, I had so many troubles that the only way I knew how to get past those troubles was to go back and start using drugs. Every time I would try to clean myself up, I had so many problems, I didn’t know how to deal with any of them. That would just send me right back to drugs.”

He explained how his relationship with his father suffered. “My drug use affected the people around me very negatively. It destroyed the relationship that my father and I had. Countless times I lied to him and stole from him. I ran him into the ground as many times as I could think of. It really affected my family’s trust of me and it was really hard to get that back. I finally got their trust back after being at Narconon.”

When Colt found Narconon, he had found a highly successful drug and alcohol rehabilitation program that is a complete package for handling addiction. From the relatively comfortable withdrawal and sauna-based detox to the thorough life skills training, Narconon addresses both the physical and mental aspects of dependency on drugs or alcohol.

The sauna-based detox is unique in that it uses time in a sauna, daily moderate exercise and vitamin and mineral supplements in generous supply to flush out drug residues. The residual drugs in the system after drug use can cause many negative effects. Drug residues are even known to be involved in the activation of drug cravings. This can easily lead to relapse, even after a person has stopped using drugs for some time. Therefore it is extremely beneficial to eliminate these toxins from the body.

In addition to addressing the effects of drugs or alcohol on the body, the addict must obtain the right mindset before going back home and into the same environment where he was using drugs or drinking. The Narconon Life Skills Courses provide the life and coping skills so important to maintaining a drug-free life. The student learns how to rebuild his life which was so damaged by his lifestyle as an addict. He discovers tools to restore damaged relationships.

Colt said, “I got back the self-esteem that I had been lacking my whole life. I lost the anxiety and depression I had been suffering from for the last couple years. I regained the sense of independence and responsibility for being a member of society and being able to function as a member of society. I feel like I can do anything and be anyone I want to now.”

He was smiling as he added, “The Narconon program brought me back in touch with reality and brought me back in touch with myself. It brought me back with my family. I’m in a great relationship with my father. I now feel I can function in the real world and contribute to the society as a real person with goals. I just feel there is nothing stopping me now.”

When Narconon achieves such successes, there is no question that this program is the first choice in drug rehab programs when an addict needs to turn his life around and get lasting recovery.

Colt completed the Narconon Arrowhead rehab program in Oklahoma