Finding a Drug Rehab that Works

Arrowhead Testimony Kim

It is not unusual to find drug or alcohol addicts entering a treatment center, relapsing and heading back to rehab, over and over. This is a very unfortunate but true fact. Addicts often have a hard time finding lasting recovery. When an addict fails at maintaining sobriety, he (or she) will often feel quite hopeless that he can ever get his life back again or achieve the dreams that he once had. Kim felt this hopelessness. But she found a drug rehab that provided her with lasting success at finally leading a drug-free life.

Kim said, “As an addict, I really had no hope for anything. Life was really very stressful. I went to a couple of Twelve Step programs but they didn’t really work. I would be there a couple days or a week or a month, and then I would just go back out and start using again right after I got out.”

When she found Narconon Arrowhead, she realized she found a program that was different than the others. Narconon addresses both the physical and mental dependency on drugs or alcohol, relieving them so the person can get back in control.

One very important step in Narconon recovery is the sauna-based detox that the recovering addict does soon after withdrawal. The Narconon New Life Detoxification is a unique combination of vitamin and mineral supplements, along with time spent in a low-heat sauna and some moderate exercise performed daily.

This strict regimen of detox, when followed exactly, flushes out residual drugs and toxins which have accumulated in the fatty tissues of the body. Once these drug residues are eliminated, the participant feels much more clear-headed, brighter and healthier. This detox also greatly reduces or even eliminates drug and alcohol cravings. This is vital for a recovering addict so he be able to better avoid relapsing.

Kim was very happy with this sauna detox. She said, “After the sauna program I can now taste better. I can see better. In general, I feel better as a person. I feel healthy again.”

Once the person is completed on the sauna portion of the program, he will begin study on a series of courses. The Narconon Life Skills Courses provide an education in how to live a life without drugs or alcohol. The student often discovers how he ended up addicted. He can then avoid making the same mistakes in the future. He gets tools that he can use for the rest of his life to improve conditions, maintain a high responsibility level and keep his personal values intact.

Kim finished the Narconon program and said, “The results of the Narconon program are that I have my family back. My parents have their daughter back. My sister and I are now like best friends. It’s awesome! It’s great to have your trust back with your family. I’m the happiest I’ve ever been in my life.”

Narconon accomplishes this every day with addicts the world over. It is one of the most successful programs anywhere at achieving lasting recovery from addiction.