An Addict Discovers What He was Looking for in Recovery

Arrowhead Testimony James S.

When an addict is trying to find recovery from addiction, whether it is from drugs or alcohol or both, he can run into all kinds of barriers. Many addicts have tried rehab programs before but couldn’t achieve successful addiction recovery. A person addicted to drugs or alcohol often is desperate to leave drugs behind but begins to think it isn’t possible and that it will always be a struggle. However with Narconon, lasting recovery is truly possible.

James discovered Narconon Arrowhead and speaks about his search for recovery. He said, “Before I got to Narconon, I had a lot of ups and downs. I would do good for a little while and feel really good about myself and then I would get back on drugs. I would start destroying things and people around me and my own life. It wasn’t good. When I came here, it was like a last ditch attempt at getting help.”

Although all parts of the Narconon program address key points of drug or alcohol dependency, one part has a particularly huge impact on recovering addicts. After withdrawal and a detox that removes toxic drug residues from where they are stored within the body, the participant does the Narconon Life Skills Courses. This is a series of six courses which give the recovering individual an insight into his past and provide him with a new outlook for his future. He doesn’t just get a new outlook, however. He gets actual tools he can use to maintain a sober life and to restore areas that were damaged by an addicted lifestyle.

Success Arrowhead Testimony

James said, “The Narconon program was really effective for me. There are a lot of different reasons but probably the biggest thing was that it helped me find out why I did drugs in the first place. To look at and take care of that reason from years and years ago made me able now to take a step forward for the first time without worrying about the past.”

He added, “Now because of Narconon I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can accomplish what I want to accomplish in life. I know I can be part of a family and will not mess up my wife or kids. I know I can be a part of making this planet a better place. Instead of being part of the problem, I’m part of the solution because of the answers I got here at Narconon.”

James called Narconon the “total package.” He described what he meant: “I tried numerous other things and they all had little things that would help a little bit, but Narconon is the complete package. It’s all the things you were looking for in all the other rehabs you tried, everything in one package. And it works!”

Narconon saves addicted lives every day. The treatment program is like James describes - the total package for achieving lasting recovery from addiction.