
Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation for Melbourne

For the Australian who seeks a return to sobriety, there may be no more beautiful place in which to recover than a Narconon center. Individuals who have already lost so much of their lives to addiction can leave the destruction behind and come here to heal and get prepared for a new, sober life.

Narconon centers across the globe serve the same purpose today for those who have chosen this rehab program with a fifty-year history of helping the addicted successfully achieve sobriety.

It’s vital for a person intent on recovery to leave behind his (or her) connections to drug-using friends or people who wish to profit from his addiction. Here at Narconon, there are only staff who understand what each person has been through and who know how to support the rehabilitation process.

A Residential Facility

At our facilities, each person lives at the center for the duration of the program, which takes most people two to three months. Each person’s room has an en-suite.

Nutritional Dining

Meals and snacks are served in the dining room. Nutritional dining helps speed recovery and repair. We provide every element aligned to your success on the program.

Stress-Free Environment

Everything is calm, supportive and well-organized—essentially the opposite of the chaos left behind in each person’s addicted life.


Our centers’ facilities include a lounge where Narconon clients can relax, talk, read or watch television or movies. Each center is tailored with amenities to serve their clientele.

The Narconon Program

Of course, the reason families choose Narconon is because of the long history of success of the Narconon program. Many times, individuals come to Narconon after having completed many prior rehab stays—sometimes ten, twenty or even more. But then they find that Narconon is the last rehab program they need.

In each facility, each person experiences the changes that add up to lasting sobriety in the Withdrawal Unit, a sauna and classrooms. The Withdrawal Unit staff understand how to alleviate the worst of the discomfort during this time. They have nutritional supplements that help ease muscle pain and sickness and that can help lift a person’s mood. Gentle procedures called assists calm both the body and the mind. The result is a withdrawal that many people have called “tolerable.”

From there, each person follows a strict regimen including sweating in a sauna, nutritional supplements and exercise. The effect of this combination is to help the body flush out old drug toxins for a fresher viewpoint and clearer thinking. This is a great start to a new drug-free life.

In the classrooms, our clients apply themselves to recovering their self-control, personal integrity and self-respect and the sober living skills that will be needed once they go home.

Our centers are where everything you need to forge a new sober life is right at hand. From here, you can go home to apply what you have learned as you restore relationships with those you love and make sober choices every day.

Learn more about this drug rehab program by calling Narconon. Your journey to a new, sober life could begin tomorrow.

See also: Narconon Drug Rehab for Australia